Good day, I walked away; only to find
it’s made of wood
Diana Vreeland said, correctly, “There’s only one very good life and that’s the life you know you want and make it yourself”
08/ 04/ 2022
1. All I want to eat right now is crudités with dip, it’s too hot for anything else. Here’s my hippie dip which is great with anything but especially with radicchio.
- 1 cup sunflower seeds (soaked if you have time)
- 1/2 cup water (a little more if seeds not soaked)
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp fresh dill (or other herb/s you want)
- 1 clove garlic
- Blend/ food processor it all up, add a little more water if it won’t go.
2. This picture book Will Oldham made with Lori Damiano sounds so good. From Drag City:
“Shorty’s Ark is a book for young readers, a collaborative effort between Will Oldham and graphic artist Lori Damiano, based on the song from the album Superwolves by Matt Sweeney & Bonnie "Prince" Billy.”
“.. The flood stands as metaphor for current impending changes in our planet, and the story works as a springboard for understanding concepts of interdependency, diversity and extinction. Colorfully illustrating as many creatures and their places as possible, Shorty’s Ark is an earth-affirmative vision meant to stimulate the curiosity and passion of those who encounter it.”
3. Will Oldham’s music hit me at that sweet spot in life where the songs sink in and stay with you for the rest of your life. Back then he was going by Palace Music and Palace Brothers, and those are still the bands of his I like best.
Here are a few favorites that are etched into me.
- Palace Music - New Partner
- Palace Music - (End of) Traveling
- Palace Brothers - I Am a Cinematographer
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