Of real importance: snacks, pigeons, to do nothing.
“You are the only thing you have to offer, and you must offer yourself to the world in a true way.” - Charlie Kaufman
07/ 28/ 2022
Here are some things I noticed this week and some things I made :
1. Julia Turshen’s post on her love for her air fryer (compact convection oven) here. (I’ve recently been converted by Bach Pham) I’m going to use her technique this weekend to make this salt and pepper tofu, and some roasted shishitos. I miss Soba restaurant in East Atlanta, whose version of this always made me happy.
2. I made three pigeons for a pigeon show at Faye’s in San Francisco. They’re made from trash. Old seltzer boxes, cardboard, packing fluff from something, leftover silkscreen ink, spraypaint. The show will run August 1 - September 10.
3. This 1995 speech by Toni Morrison on racism and fascism. “Fascism talks ideology, but it is really just marketing- marketing for power.” The whole speech is incredible and unfortunately more on-point today than ever.
“When our fears have all been serialized, our creativity censured, our ideas "market- placed," or rights sold, our intelligence sloganized, our strength downsized, our privacy auctioned; when the theatricality the entertainment value, the marketing of life is complete, we will find ourselves living not in a nation but in a consortium of industries, and wholly unintelligible to ourselves except for what we see as through a screen darkly.”
4. Austin Kleon turned me onto Julie Phillips’ The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problem and I’m really enjoying it so far. Could not resonate more. “What you need is the conviction that what you are doing is of real importance, and really worth doing, and you have to do it; and that conviction creates the sacred space around you.” - Ursula Le Guin via Julie Phillips
5. I’d like to go to Casa Mague and read, lay quiet a while, and do nothing.
6. Lukas Volger’s new cookbook Snacks for Dinner. I love snacks and I love to assemble fancy little plates of them for dinner. Even just for myself, but especially for friends and family, and every one of the recipes I’ve tried so far have been great.
7. “A diver in Belize has made friends with an octopus. She named him Egbert and brings him treats in his own jar.”
8. Here are a few songs that have been calming me down this week :
Rob Scallon - Le Gentil & the Transit of Venus
Hiroshi Yoshimura - GREEN
Broken Social Scene - I Slept With Bonhomme At The CBC
The Halo Benders - Snowfall
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